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What to do with the rise in organic cotton demand

How to tackle the expensive mismatch in your supply chain

The 'Organic Cotton Market Report 2021' by Textile Exchange, has one important message: demand for organic cotton has gone up.

Way up.

And they expect it to grow by 48 % by next year.

More and more brands, big and small, are realizing the benefits of organic cotton, and including them in their material strategies.

But, the same brands are also realizing that right now, there is not enough organic cotton to meet demand.

This is because of a mismatch between the increase in demand and the time it takes for cotton farmers to convert to organic produce.

The sanctions on Chinese cotton by many companies and countries have pushed supply even further.

And we all know what happens when demand outgrows supply.

Prices go up.

According to Textile Exchange, the mismatch is expected to grow even further.

So what can we do, to help increase organic cotton supply in the future, and what can you do in the meantime?

1. Don’t shy away from organic cotton

Keeping demand up, will motivate conventional and in-conversion farmers to shift to organic practices, securing a higher supply in the future

2. Commit to certification

Get certified yourself! Signal dedication and verification throughout the industry and to consumers

3. Encourage your suppliers to source directly from organic and in-conversion farmers

Secure your supply and help relationship building in your supply chain

4. Consider other locations

If your preferred or go-to organic cotton location is short on organic cotton, look elsewhere. You might even be able to support farmers and countries who are new to organic cotton farming.

5. Buy in-conversion organic cotton

Support farmers through this challenging phase and help secure a greater supply of organic cotton in the future.

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