Sustaina Company

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Stop bamboozling consumers!

If we should name one, if not our biggest sustainability pet peeves it is the idea of: sustainable bamboo.

It is a widespread misconception that fabrics with bamboo as their raw material are in some way sustainable.

This is NOT the case!

Here is why the term makes us itch:

#1 It's NOT bamboo - it's viscose

When bamboo is processed into a viscose, there is no trace of the original plant left in the fabric.

#2 The production method is toxic and water heavy

To turn a wooden material like bamboo into a soft fabric takes a LOT of chemicals and water. Imagine turning the trees in your backyard into a t-shirt. Not an easy task to take on.

#3 People think of a natural resource and think: "it's biodegradable!"

We have said it time and time again - biodegradability/compostability is not a plus. Yet. Right now, we don't have the necessary systems.

And people burying t-shirts in their backyard is not ideal, and wont work.

#4 The popularity of bamboo fabrics leads to deforestation

As bamboo fibres have become very popular, farmers cut down natural forests, to make room for the crop. This harms biodiversity in the areas where the farming is conducted.

Talk about a downward spiral.

So what do you use instead of bamboo viscose?

Learn that and more on our e-learning platform, Sustainawear Community.