Getting certified: step-by-step guide

For too many years, brands and organizations have been able to make big empty promises about sustainability, with little to no consequence.

But these days all eyes are on the fashion industry.

Media, climate activists and to some extent governments, are watching the industry’s handling of the environmental and ethical challenges it’s facing.

And they’re ready to strike in at any case of greenwashing.

Today, that leaves brands in need of one very important thing: documentation.

Enter certifications!

But - how do you get certified?

We give you simplistic guide on the steps involved with getting a certification. Read along to learn more.

The certification process can differ, based on the specific certification that you are pursuing. But there are some similarities in the processes.

1. Before starting any certifications process, the first step should always be to figure out whether any of your suppliers are certified and can present valid Scope Certificates at the time of an audit.

(If you don’t have any suppliers that are certified, you need to find someone that are.) If you are using an external warehouse, you need to get them on board as well.

2. The next step is to collect offers from different certification bodies.

This is to ensure that you get the best price possible, but also that you choose a certification body that is easy to work and communicate with.

3. When you have picked a certification body, it's time to book an audit and set a date.

Do this as quickly as possible, as there can be a long wait.

4. Then it's time to start preparing for the audit.

This means gathering all the necessary documents, conducting training and preferably doing a trial audit.

5. When the date arrives, the certification body will conduct an audit of your headquarters and your warehouse to make sure you live up to the standards of the certification.

If they find any non-compliant issues, you will be given a set timeframe to remediate.

6. When you have passed your audit, you will be given your license.

7. Before you can market anything, you will need to send any communication to your certification body for approval.

Depending on the body and certification there are different procedures, so please talk with your certification body.

It is also a good idea to train your marketing team in the labelling guide.

8. When the communication and artwork is approved, it is finally time to tell the world about your certification!

9. After a year, the license has to be renewed and you will need to have a reaudit.

We wish you the best of luck with your certification journey!

If you still feel like it is too overwhelming, and need a helping hand, we are here to help!

We have helped a lot of our customers get their valued certifications, and we'd love to help you too!

If that sounds like something you'd be interested in, click the button below and send us an e-mail. 

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