Sustainability Implementation in the Fashion Industry
Implementing sustainability and creating an ESG strategy can seem overwhelming. Where do you start? Where does it end? The truth is, it probably never ends. That’s why we have made it our mission to make sure the journey is an eduational and an exciting adventure. ESG and sustainability are vital parts of today’s and tomorrow’s business.
By participating in our Sustaina Company Education offers, you will not only go from ESG newbie to ESG-expert. You will also go from crossing your fingers, hoping that everything is okay, to knowing you are doing what you need to, to meet requirements and legislations.
Our bespoke approach to making sustainability simple and manageable in the fashion industry
The Elephant Approach
Understand ESG and sustainability
Change doesn’t happen over night. Especially with a subject as big and comprehensive as sustainability. At Sustaina Company, we like to see sustainability as an elephant. And how would you eat an elephant?
One bite at a time...
It’s this exact approach we use when help you make an ESG strategy. With these elephant bites, you get a clear understanding of how to approach your ESG work and how to integrate into your KPIs and overall goals.
Even though we love helping companies kick off their sustainability implementation, and have done so many times by now, what is most important to us is sharing our knowledge and educating the practitioners out there. We want to place qualified and well-informed ESG responsibles in as many fashion companies as possible. That’s why we have made Sustaina Deep Dives, five educational and on-demand videos based on the hottest topics from the ESG Elephant. Click the button to read more about our Deep Dives!
Sustaina Company Education
Over the last couple of years, more and more ESG legislation and requirements have seen the light of day. In Sustaina Company, we know how difficult it can be to stay up-to-date on it all.
Don't worry, we've got you covered. You can choose between e-learning videos, workshop courses, and tailor-made courses to help you get practical knowledge about implementing ESG.
Our mission is to enable you to integrate ESG practices seamlessly into your operations as well as to give you practical experience working with ESG and sustainability.