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How do you eat an elephant?

Working with sustainability is a big task.

There are so many aspects to it: country-specific regulations, chemical restrictions, social issues, environmental concerns, circular design, recycling... And that is not the end of the list.

It can really get your head spinning, can it not?

When I initially started touring the Danish fashion industry and consulting on sustainability, it became clear to me just how overwhelming it can be for companies.

With all its aspects and challenges, sustainability is often seen as a big scary elephant.

In order to be implemented in day-to-day activities, sustainability had to be made way more understandable and manageable.

This was how I came up with the elephant approach. Because after all:

How do you eat an elephant?

One bite at a time.

And this is exactly how we approach sustainability here at Sustainawear.

(Metaphorically speaking of course, eating an actual elephant would not be sustainable at all.)

The task of working with sustainability is big, but so is the Elephant.

Luckily, both of them can be divided into small chunks and taken in one bite at a time.

I always recommend eating the Elephant from the front and proceeding towards its tail.


Starting your work with compliance will build the foundation for your future sustainability efforts.

If you set out to create a sustainability strategy on day one, the task will almost certainly be too big.

However, with the Elephant approach, your efforts will become structured and spread out.

As a result, you will go from crossing fingers that everything is okay in your supply chain, to having a peace of mind and a gut-feeling that you have your sustainability efforts under control.

Want to learn more about the Elephant approach?

Have a look at our free webinar “Get Started With Sustainability”.

Get access to the webinar

Still hungry for knowledge?

Join our e-learning platform, Sustainawear Community, and eat the Elephant one bite at a time with my guidance.

Read more about the Sustainawear Community