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Have you heard of the Inner Development Goals?

We’re sure that most of you are familiar with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

And that progress with the SDGs leaves much to be desired.

But there might be a way. 

Enter the non-profit organization Inner Development Goals (IDGs).

The IDGs is a framework that shows what inner changes or human growth need to happen for us to increase our chances of reaching the SDGs - together. 

The IDGs are made up of five dimensions that cover 23 skills and qualities. 

Skills such as inner compass, critical thinking, empathy and compassion, trust, creativity, sensemaking, optimism - and much more. 

The idea behind the concept is that outer transformation across global industries is only possible if we develop skills and qualities at an individual level.

In other words: To achieve outer sustainability, we need to ensure our inner sustainability first. 

And how do we do that? 

Through the IDGs. 

In 2022, the framework was recognized by the EU, who recommended it as an important tool in order to realize the UN SDGs. 

So without further ado, we’ll break down the IDGs for you:

The Inner Development Goals

Keeping up with recommendations does not have to be hard - start out by choosing a few relevant skills you want to prioritize.

All in all, they can do much more for you than help the SDGs along. If you want to know more about each individual skill or quality, you can find more info here