Free webinar
Get ready for the new EU textile strategy
with Sustainawear and MADE2FLOW
Held Wednesday | October 26th 2022 | 10 am CEST
Learn about the new data requirements, and how you can prepare to meet future demands
Now that recommendations are becoming requirements, it is time to find out what you need to know, how to prepare, and what future demands you might meet.
Have you heard about the new EU Textile Strategy?
Are you completely sure what it is and how you should prepare?
Well, you have come to the right place.
The strategy aims at creating a more sustainable and circular textile sector. The goals include: end fast fashion, make sure that textile products on the EU market are durable, reparable, and recyclable, as well as empowering consumer through honest and transparent communication.
This can entail new requirements and legislation, which will influence our industry significantly.
The legislation is expected to be implemented over the next few years, so it is key to start planning for it now so as not to fall behind.
Knowing where to start can be difficult, though. What data do you need? Which future requirements may come? Where do LCAs and traceability come in? How can you start preparing?
In this webinar, we will go beyond only informing you about the strategy but also present solutions. We will do so with the fashion supply chain experts from MADE2FLOW, who can help you with different aspects of the strategy.
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