3 myths about CSR you should not believe

There are three common misconceptions about CSR and sustainability we meet time and time again. 

So.... Let's debunk some myths together!

1. Sustainability and CSR are all about becoming CO2 neutral

Sustainability and CSR are both holistic concepts, and is in fact all about ethics.

They include social aspects, animal welfare, and environmental factors such as pollution and biodiversity.

We have to think of the future generations ensuring that they will have the same resources and quality of life as the current generations.

2. It is super hard to manage

CSR and sustainability can easily be managed, as long as you have the right tools, information, and structure.

When it does become too overwhelming, it is often because people dive in head-first without knowing where or how to begin.

It is important to take it one step at a time, and often those steps can seem small and insignificant.

But they will get you going and keep you from relapsing in the future.

3. It will cost you a lot of money

How much money you want to spend on sustainability is up to you. 

But the fact is, the most expensive option is not spending any money at all.

You do not need pricey consultants to get started with sustainability.

A employee is actually the best person to take on this task.

All they need is training, ressources and most importantly - support.