4 approaches to black friday

How can you black friday campaign they affect your sustainability image?

1. The classic, "save a lot of $$$" campaign


  • In terms of sustainability, there aren't any


  • Encourages hyperconsumerism

  • Goes directly against sustainability

  • Can cost you your sustainability image

2. The "we're not participating" stance


  • Takes a stance against hyperconsumerism

  • Some consumers might find it noble 


  • Can be seen as hypocritical when you have sales and discounts other times during the year

  • Some industry peers will see it as if you're pointing fingers at their black friday campaigns

3. The "save the world while you shop" campaign


  • You can take advantage of the shopping day, but still focus on sustainability

  • Can generate money for a good cause

  • If the campaign is done wisely it can support your sustainability image


  • You are participating in a hyperconsumerism event, which can damage your image

  • You have to be careful and avoid big discounts

4. The "business as usual" non-campaign


  • You can't be accused of greenwashing

  • You're not contributing to hyperconsumerism


  • Some competitors and customers might accuse you of taking the "easy way" out

  • Missing out an opportunity to take a stance at an important day in the industry calendar

Our recommendations:

  • Don't encourage hyperconsumerism (i.e. avoid the crazy discounts and free shipping)

  • Address the nature of black friday and its challenges

  • Honestly communicate your approach and the reasons behind it

  • If you choose to collaborate with an NGO or similar, make sure to choose something that is in line with your brand identity