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6 CSR mistakes you're probably making

No one is perfect - you included.

Read our list of 6 of the most common CSR mistakes and see how many you've avoided.

#1 Trying to run before you can walk

Don't start off with big glittery "green campaigns".

If you want to get serious about CSR and sustainability, there is some leg work to be done first.

#2 Rushing it

Take the time you need, to make sure you complete every step of you journey.

Do it thoroughly and sustainably, so that your new processes works for you in the future.

#3 Greenwashing

Greenwashing still occurs way too much, especially in fashion.

Some do it on purpose, but others greenwash unintentionally.

Make sure you know what you can and should say, and remember to have the right documentation in order.

#4 Only following your gut

CSR decisions should always be based on well analysed data.

Otherwise you might end up spending money, time and energy on projects and initiatives that won't drive much change.

#5 Running CSR as a side project

CSR and sustainability should be integrated into the core of your business.

All teams should consider sustainability in their work. Only that way, can you ensure internal alignment.

#6 Thinking CSR is "one size fits all"

You can only expect to succeed with your CSR strategy if you tailor it to your brand and company.

So - don't just copy your biggest competitors or sustainability heroes.

Always consider your own strengths and weaknesses when developing your CSR strategy.