Does 'Made in Europe' mean you're homesafe?

Many companies see European production as being "home safe".

But there can be plenty of things to look out for when working with European suppliers.

Below you can read about some of the most common European sourcing countries and the issues you should keep an eye out for.

Made in Portugal

In Portugal you’ll find many small workshops, compared to the big factories located in China and Bangladesh. Portugal is especially known for producing good quality footwear.


  • Your compliance program might not be as easily implemented on the many small Portuguese workshops.

  • Refugees are coming in from Africa to look for jobs. They often end up in workshops and risk being exploited.

  • There is quite often a lack of chemical management, and we especially see issues in leather products.

  • Generally, be aware of corruption in all countries of production. Have an anti-corruption policy signed by suppliers.

Made in Italy

Known for high end fashion, state of the art jeans suppliers and beautiful leather products, Italy is often associated with quality and luxury.

But in areas like Prato, Chinese people have settled down, and now run fast fashion factories. The area almost seems like a small Chinese village in the middle of Italy.


  • The Chinese factories are rarely open for audits, and the standards are low. So be thorough and remember to ask the hard questions.

  • Like in Portugal, you’ll find a lot of smaller workshops that can be difficult to fit into your compliance program.

  • There are also a lot of factories with refugees. You need to ensure that these people who are already in a vulnerable situation are looked out for.

  • Generally, be aware of corruption in all countries of production. Have an anti-corruption policy signed by suppliers.

Made in the UK

Ah, good old UK. Filled with gentlemen, lords and ladies. This must be a totally safe place to produce. Think again.


  • A few years ago, a lot of small workshops with illegal workers was discovered in Leicester. So remember to do your due diligence.

  • Make sure you are updated on any new laws and regulations as a result of Brexit.

  • Generally, be aware of corruption in all countries of production. Have an anti-corruption policy signed by suppliers.

Made in Turkey

Western parts of Turkey, specifically where the two big production areas Istanbul and Izmir are located, are part of the European continent.


  • In Istanbul, there aren't as many large production units left, so they often outsource the work to smaller workshops located in basement and backrooms around the city.

  • Issues on working hours and salaries, similar to those we experience in China, India and Bangladesh.

  • Be aware that as in China, India and other of the eastern production areas, faking documents can occur.

  • Generally, be aware of corruption in all countries of production. Have an anti-corruption policy signed by suppliers.

Want to know about the issues you should be aware of in the big production countries such as Bangladesh. China and India?

Join our e-learning platform, Sustainawear Community, where you’ll find a deep dive into all the issues in the most common sourcing countries.

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Caroline Krogholm Pedersen