The Vicious Circle Carousel and how to get of it

Many issues in the fashion industry are linked to the irresponsible practices of suppliers and excessive consumerism of the costumers.

As tempting as it may be to avoid mirrors and only find fault in others, it takes two to tango.

Or, to be exact, it takes three: the suppliers, the costumers, but also the purchasing practices of the fashion brand.

Coming up with extra requirements for your suppliers without adjusting some of your purchasing practices will undoubtedly result in going around in circles, or to be exact, in a Vicious Circle.

What is the Vicious Circle?

The Vicious Circle represents the links between sourcing practices, suppliers' actions, working conditions and overall risks regarding the brand’s sustainable efforts and reputation.

The sourcing practices that fuel the Vicious Circle Carousel are:

#1 Poor internal communication

Inefficient inhouse communication contributes to two other damaging practices: poor planning and frequent changes in production.

#2 Poor planning

Inadequate planning of production, pushing up the deadlines for sending orders or approving samples can result in suppliers hiring temporary workers, needing workers to work overtime and subcontracting to less compliant factories.

#3 Unequal price negotiations

Driving the price way down during negotiations means that the supplier might not be able to afford investments in safety or minimum wages and insurance for the workers.

#4 Frequent changes

Frequent changes in the styles, patterns and quantities of orders damage the supplier’s ability to plan the production.

#5 Nomination of suppliers

Nomination of the suppliers of accessories or materials without taking responsibility for this decision can create additional costs or delays for the supplier.

#6 Not keeping deadlines

Failure to meet the agreed deadlines will undermine even the best planning efforts on the supplier’s side.

It can result in overtime, hiring workers without proper contracts or subcontracting.

Do any of these practices seem familiar?

They are unfortunately quite common in the fashion industry. 

Introducing changes in sourcing practices will definitely have positive, long-standing results, but it will also require knowledge, effort and dedication.

If you need help getting off the Vicious Circle Carousel, we are here for you.

We are only a call or e-mail away!

And if you want to learn more about responsible purchasing practices and the Vicious Circle Carousel, sign up to our e-learning platform, Sustainawear Community.

Read more about Sustainawear Community

Caroline Krogholm Pedersen