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How to make a horrible CSR strategy

#1 Make it all about one really big goal

No need to tackle all the issues in your organisation and its supply chain.

That will only slow you down, and make sure you work on something consistently.

Who would want that? Better to just focus on one big thing that sounds great but will take forever to finish. 

#2 Set one super long deadline

Big goals require looooong deadlines.

Who knows what the future holds? Hopefully something that will save all our a**es, so we don't have to put in that much work now.

And afterall, everyone who heard about your goal now, won't remember or care if you shouldn't reach it in 40 years.

So just put off the work and cross your fingers. Consumers will love that.

#3 Keep your eyes on the prize, and don't worry about how you'll get there

A plan is overrated.

Sure subgoals and KPIs would be great, but with one big goal and all the time in the world to get there, there is nothing to worry about. 

Credibility schmedibility.

All that matters is that you have something to put in your expensive campaigns plastered all over social and print media.

#4 Copy your competitors

Why on earth should you bother to make a tailored CSR strategy, that fits your brand and your challenges?

So many companies have already made great CSR strategies that seem to work for them, why don't you just use that?

It will probably not matter that you and your competitors aren't anything alike. 

#5 Make sure everything is about CO2

You can't go wrong with a classic! Everyone knows what CO2 is and they know that it's bad. 

So why worry about working conditions, equality, financial sustainability or biodiversity?

As long as you promise to go carbon neutral (net zero of course) some day far out in the future, you'll be just fine.

#6 Don't assign any employees

Employees ask questions, and if they get assigned to work on your CSR strategy they will have to take time away from their other tasks.

We wouldn't want that.

The best thing is just to hope that someone magically finds time in their schedule and does it on their own without requiring extra funds or assistance. 

#7 Never follow up

The GREAT thing about a CSR strategy with a big goal, a long deadline and no assigned employees is that there is no need to follow up.

Just let things run its course and cross your fingers that it'll fix itself or be someone elses problem when that big deadline comes along at some point in the future.

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