Sustaina Company

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This is the first step in building a sustainable business:

"We can only fix what we know."

This is not an invitation to turn a blind eye to the issues in your company.

In fact, it is an invitation to do the exact opposite.

Sustainability has gotten a reputation of being an overwhelming task to take on.

If you know us just a little bit, you'll most likely be familiar with our elephant approach. If not, this sums it up perfectly:

How do you eat an elephant?

One bite at a time!

So you need to deal with sustainability bit by bit. So far so good. 

Next issue: How on earth should you know where to start? What is going to be your first bite?

The first step in any sustainability implementation process should always be a risk assessment.

Only when you have done a thorough risk assessment will you know where to first focus your efforts. And that's when the fun really begins!

Which is why that is the very first task our members take on when joining our e-learning platform, Sustainawear Community.

We have developed a special approach that not only helps you identify the risks in your supply chain.

It also helps you prioritise them based on risk, probability and the consequences involved.

If you too want to follow our special risk assessment approach, go ahead and join the Sustainawear Community.

Read more about the e-learning platform