What is Fashion Revolution Week?

What is Fashion Revolution Week?

The 18th to the 24th of April people all over the world celebrate Fashion Revolution Week.

The week is a yearly phenomenon, and the date coincides with the Rana Plaza disaster in Bangladesh, that killed more than 1.100 people and injured more than 2.500 others in 2013.

Fashion Revolution Week is planned by Fashion Revolution.

Fashion Revolution is a global movement working for cultural, industry and policy change. Their vision is as they put it themselves “A global fashion industry that conserves and restores the environment and values people over growth and profit.”

Their work covers many aspects of the issues of the fashion industry, but they are especially known for their large focus and work for securing safe, healthy, and dignified working conditions for all people in the supply chains of fashion brands.

Fashion Revolution Week 2022

This year’s Fashion Revolution Week is focused on the relationship between money, fashion and power. The theme underlines the unbalanced division of profits, which translates to life in poverty for many employees of the fashion industry.

During Fashion Revolution Week, Fashion Revolution activates and engages consumers, policy makers and professionals everywhere to get fashion companies and brands to provide much needed answers to questions on pressing issues.

It takes place all over the world and includes multiple activities and events such as webinars, panel discussions, social conversations, and commentaries.

One of the most noticeable initiatives is their consumer activation campaign where they encourage consumers to ask companies and brands #WhoMadeMyClothes, #WhoMadeMyFabric and #WhatsInMyClothes on social media. Furthermore, they also provide templates for e-mail inquiries to brands.

All in all, Fashion Revolution provides all the tools to make it as easy as possible for consumers to get actively involved in the movement and demand more transparency in the industry.

The opportunity for a reality check

Fashion Revolution Week is therefore also a good opportunity for a reality check.

If you find yourself a bit nervous about the many types of questions that might be coming your way on the 18th – 24th of April or any other week of the year, there is work to be done.

Brands should always be prepared to answer questions by consumers and the media.

Use Fashion Revolution Week to get a general overview of the answers you should have ready at hand. We’ve looked into the questions and inquiries brands can get and where they might get them. We’ve gathered it all in a separate blogpost. Read it here.

Photo credits go to HRT Textiles.