A breakdown of some of the possible requirements in the EU textile strategy

As we know well by now, consumers know about the impact textiles have on the environment, meaning that more and more are looking for sustainable products.

And more attention from consumers means more attention from authorities.

An example is the new textile strategy that the EU Commission approved in March this year. With that comes many new requirements, directives, and regulations – and yes, they can be confusing.

So, a good tip to not get caught with your pants down when it comes to the new requirements – start now!

Don’t worry if you don’t know where to start – in our webinar on the 26th of October, we will tell you about the EU textile strategy as well as how and what to prepare.

To give you an idea of the new (and extensive) requirements, we have collected four here:

Design requirements

These are meant to make clothes

  • last longer

  • easier to repair and recycle

  • contain a minimum amount of recycled content

Ecodesign Regulation

This covers many products to ensure

  • a longer product lifecycle

  • reduced environmental footprints

  • less waste

Empowering Consumers

This is intended to make sure consumers can make informed choices and includes

  • A proposed change of the Consumer Rights Directive to also cover durability and repairability information

  • Protection against unfair practices such as misleading claims (greenwashing)


The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive replaces the current EU directive about non-financial reporting and is more in-depth when it comes to ESG reporting.

It will be implemented over a few years depending on company size – listed SMEs won’t be included before 2026 (first report in 2027).

It can seem overwhelming, we know.

But getting started now will help you in the long run.

Learn more in our webinar Get ready for the new EU textile strategy

In this webinar, we at Sustainawear will go beyond only informing you about the strategy to also present solutions for you. We will do so with the fashion supply chain experts from MADE2FLOW, who can help you with different aspects of the strategy.